Inscription form

Inscription Advice Service of the Innovadors 12 Programme

1. Details of the team of promoters of the business (Business name / Project)

Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Marital status:
Contact address:
E-mail address:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Current work situation:
Period of residence in Andorra:
Other links with Andorra:

Details of the working team:

1. Name and surnames
    Area of the project
    undertaken *

2. Name and surnames
    Area of the project
    undertaken *

3. Name and surnames
    Area of the project
    undertaken *

4. Name and surnames
    Area of the project
    undertaken *

5. Name and surnames
    Area of the project
    undertaken *

(*) Marketing, I+D, finances...
(**) Technical, manager...

Registered office or place where the project will be tackled (or carried out):

E-mail address:

How did you find out about the INNOVADORS'12 Programme?

Advice services provided by the ADI

The information facilitated in this section will be the only contact data used by the ADI during the stages of the INNOVADORS 12 Programme with the participant.

2. Presentation of the project

Name of business
and/or title of the project:
("projec"t is understood as the strategic initiative presented to us: a new line of business - creation of a new business - internationalisation...)

Sector of activity of the submitted project

Geographical market (location of clients)

Project summary

Creation of the work team
What are your strengths and weaknesses?

General Conditions .